Kathy Angileri

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What if, in just ten short weeks, you could experience a closer connection to God, your guides and angels?

GOD - I was raised in the Catholic religion and growing up, I loved going to church. I bought into all the beliefs that were shared in church: a rich man cannot fit through the eye of a needle, it is a sin to have sex before marriage, you have to talk through a priest to connect to God, it is a sin to use birth control…. And soon after I entered the doors of the University of Santa Monica, I began to question some of the beliefs I was taught by the Catholic religion, society and even my family. By the time I graduated from USM, I had made the decision to seek a place, a “church,” that supported me and my spiritual growth and expansion. After attending a few churches in my hometown, I was aware what I was looking for wasn’t here. I made the decision to move to Chicago and I attended Unity of Chicago. This church was amazing! I loved attending Unity every Sunday but I didn’t care for life in a big city. I decided to move once again to S. California. I wanted to be with the friends I had met at USM. I needed a change in my life, especially after a divorce. Once I was in LA, I attended Agape and Unity of Culver City. In time, I found my home in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.

Why I coach clients on their relationship with God is because there are so many misunderstandings about God: what is God, who is God, can I talk directly with God…. In my opinion, God is Loving, Compassionate, Kind, Forgiving.… In my opinion, there is no wrathful god. There is no vengeful god. There is no sin. Do you know sin means missing the mark. That is it, you missed the mark and that’s okay. And guess what, you get to try again and again! I guide my clients to create, allow and promote a loving, deep and compassionate connection to the Divine - the divine within them and the divine they see around them. I believe that everything is God. God created everything, therefore God is in it all! (If that word bothers you, feel free to replace it with the Universe, Buddha, Allah, the Christ…whatever works for you.)

SEX - You might ask, “Why do you coach people about sex?” My answer is because where can we go to talk about sex? At times we can’t even talk to our friends about sex: our sexual experiences, preferences, desires, play, adventures... I create a safe, sacred and intimate space for people to share, learn, ask questions and talk about sex. This is my gift. I hold three certificates from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. When we work together, there are no judgements, assumptions, or anything to be embarrassment about. There is only loving acceptance of who you are, what you have to share, and what you truly want in a sexual, intimate, or not so intimate relationship. And everything is a okay. You are not wrong or weird in any way! What you what you want in a relationship is what you want. Believe me, there are so many different kinds of pleasure, play, intimate…experiences just waiting to be explored. We all have desires, dreams, and goals, some might seem crazy, wild and unrealistic and that is welcomed here! If we didn’t dream, if we didn’t have desires, how can we move forward in life? This life is for living and when you create, allow and promote a space for loving and intimacy to be a part of your life, things shift, miracles happen and you know you are not alone! And as one of my teachers said, just bringing enthusiasm into your sex life is a gift, and to enthusiasm I would add and loving kindness.

SELF-LOVE - Self-Love is everything. It the key relationship in your life! If you are not in love with yourself, how can you truly love another? You have a relationship to everything in this Universe, including God, yourself, sex, money…absolutely everything. When we work on self-love, we focus on how to create more loving, awareness and acceptance of yourself, those around you and the life you have created, allowed and promoted. We work together to reveal beliefs, judgements, blocks…that are conscious or unconscious to release them so that they no longer control and run your life. If your life is great right now, that is amazing. However if you are struggling in creating a loving relationship with yourself or those around you, that is where we begin. We have programed beliefs, thoughts, ideas…running our lives and it’s time to uncover and reveal those things that no longer serve you! In time, as we begin to work with the conscious issues, the unconscious issues and subconscious issues typically come forward in a safe, sacred and loving atmosphere.