Kathy Angileri


Experience. Orgasms. Power!

My Story:

Before - I was sexually shut-down for years. I had sex with very little memories of what transpired before, during, or after sex.

Healing - I began a journey of spiritual learning, healing, transformation, and self-discovery at the University of Santa Monica. And even though I loved this program, I still had this low-grade anger and frustration running me. I couldn't figure out why I was unhappy. What was at the foundation of my depression, anxiety, and upset? So, I began USM’s Consciousness, Health, and Healing program, which I loved, and yet, something still was missing. Eventually, I was introduced to Layla Martin, and the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality, and my whole life shifted! Firstly, I learned the beautiful capabilities of my body as I explored myself and the Jade Egg. This little, green egg helped to release stagnation, shut-down, and so much more from my vagina. And I felt my pelvic floor for the first time! Secondly, I was accepted into Layla’s Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching program, and it was there that I experienced the power of sound, breath, and the movement of my body and I began to heal on a whole new sexual level. Along with this, I was liberating and freeing myself of so many patterns, beliefs, and judgements that kept me sexually stagnant and shut-down! I was letting go of all the fears I had created around being sexual, present, alive, and feeling immense pleasure in all parts of my body. Yes, Yes, Yes!

After - I experienced my first mind-blowing, powerful and profound orgasms! I had no idea my body was so incredible! I was and, I am, in awe of the beauty, divinity and power I hold within my body! Growing up, no one told me about orgasms. No one shared with me that my body contained immense pleasure and power. Why is all of this hidden and shrouded in mystery? I am here to tell you, your body is powerful, exquisite and divine! Your body contains immense pleasure, wisdom and so much more! If you are wondering where to begin, start by connecting to your sweet, sexy body. Spend time alone! Love and kiss your body. Touch your hot, sexy self, and tell yourself how gorgeous, brilliant and fabulous you are! It is time to discover the innate potential of your body!

Your sweet, sexy body contains so much beauty, pleasure and information, and there is nothing like knowing how to pleasure yourself, intimately, lovingly, and orgasmically! You can do this!

I would be honored to guide you on this journey!

How I Give Back 

I donate 5% of every package to Together Rising or The Wilderness Society. I believe in the goodness of people and I believe we all have a unique connection to this beautiful planet that sustains us! It is time to come together and heal not only ourselves, and those around us, but Mother Earth too.

“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.”

-John Muir


Northern Illinois University
Bachelor of Science in Education, 1998

University of Santa Monica
Master of Arts in Spiritual Psychology - Emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing, 2004, 2008

Peace Theological Seminary and College of Philosophy
Master of Spiritual Science

Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality
Certified Sex, Love and Relationship Coach - Majors in Female Sexuality and the Jade Egg, 2018, 2019


“Everything in nature invites us constantly to be what we are.”

– Gretel Ehrlich