Kathy Angileri

Body-Love Coaching

80% of women are unhappy about their appearance

Only 5% of women naturally possess the body type often portrayed in the media

97% of women are cruel to their bodies on a daily basis

Let’s Stop The Madness and Reconnect With Ourselves and Bodies in Loving, Sacred and Divine Ways. Our Bodies Are Unique Temples of God!


My Third Package Is:


What we will do together:

What if, in ten short weeks, you loved yourself exactly as you are today? In this ten week package, we will work through individualized step by step processes, based on your core desires, University of Santa Monica skills, Tantric principles and philosophies, and a host of other tools and practices. This package will be personally designed to create a deep, loving and intimate relationship with yourself and your sacred body! Do you accept every atom of your body, beloved? Can you lovingly touch every part of your body, awesome one? Our bodies are a gift. No woman is perfect, perfection is an illusion. How you look today is incredible and exactly where you need to be! It takes awareness, acceptance and time to fully love yourself. It’s okay if you are not in love with your belly. It’s alright if you are not in love with your feet. If you hate your clitoris, that’s okay too. You are not alone. This is what we will be working on together. Because if you want to expand in joy and pleasure, if you want to expand and grow in your life, one of the keys to fully accept, adore and love who you are, just as you are today!

You have a choice every minute to move toward more and more body and self-love or away from it. Whatever you choose, that is welcome here. Our starting point is where you are when we meet via Zoom. We will move slowly, or more quickly, based on your nervous system, to bring you back into a sweet, loving connection to all parts of your beautiful, sexy self. This is a path to reclaim your power, strength and health through loving, joy, pleasure and transformation!


When we work together all parts of you are welcomed, loved and honored: the shameful parts, the fearful parts, the hidden away parts that you sent into hiding because your parents, teachers, siblings, lovers…did not accept them.

These aspects will know deep loving, acceptance, safety and belonging.


What if we all loved, honored, and adored our bodies and all aspects of who we are today? This is possible. Everything is possible when you choose awareness, acceptance and loving of all of who you are, and your whole body. When you do this, bit by bit everything is integrated back into your being and you become whole, renewed, and connected back to who you’ve always been at the core of your being. This is who you are before you were told you needed to fit into your family, society, religious group, etc. If you know it is time to go deeper, to be more intimate, open and loving with yourself, your body and those around you, let’s begin!

This work is not for the faint of heart. There will be challenges, tears, and deep, deep acceptance of past emotions, judgements, and experiences. This is a path of regaining your power and strength.

If your soul is calling you home, if aspects of your divine self are calling to be acknowledged and loved, if your body is calling for more loving acceptance, we will begin with one, small, simple step. A Daily Practice - What if you shared one thing about yourself or your body that you are grateful for each day? Are you grateful that your eyes see? Are you grateful for your ability to walk? Are grateful that you can hear? Begin keeping a journal today and record something each day what you are grateful for!

When we work together, you will gradually come back to who you really are: a divine, sexual goddess having a human experience.

Welcome to the party! Let’s begin!


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A Blissful Orgasmic Guided Meditation


And remember, when you choose to up level one area of your life, the rest of your life follows suit: you begin to live a vibrant, connected, and purpose-filled life! And, as you give yourself permission to live full-out, experiencing joy, contentment and pleasure on a daily basis, this gives other people permission to fully live their lives, too! As we claim our bodies, just the way they are, our power, strength, sexiness, and divinity, we begins to shift the world around us! We begin to create a world where women can be safe, sensual, worthy, and deserving of who they are. Who wouldn’t want this? This is Your Time, Beloved! This is Your Choice!

Are Your Ready to Choose Yourself and Your Amazing Body?