Kathy Angileri


52% of women do not know how to give themselves an orgasm

46% of women struggle to orgasm

5-10% of women have never experienced an orgasm


This is a part of you, sitting in a gorgeously wrapped box—
waiting, hoping, asking to be opened!

I am Kathy Angileri and for years, I contributed to those statistics. I struggled to have an orgasm. During sex, I jumped out of my body. After sex, I had little if any memories of what had taken place.

Today I am a Certified Sex, Love and Relationship Coach from the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. Through my experiences, and my education, I have transformed my life! I know and own my pleasure, orgasms, and power! I love and accept myself, my sexual shut-down of the past, all of it! And I continue to be in awe of the immense potential of my exquisite body. Today, I am focusing on creating blended and full body orgasms, along with experiencing this orgasmic bliss in several parts of my body! My path of pleasure is magical and always unfolding. This the gift I have given myself! This is the gift you can give yourself!

And I am here to guide you to access, harness, and experience this incredible magic in just ten short weeks! Are you ready to open your wrapped box? Are you willing to discover your full orgasmic power? Are you prepared to make, deep, intense, compassionate love to yourself, or with your partner, and surrender into orgasms?

If you are, let’s begin!


What We Will Do Together:

Your First Mind-Altering Orgasm!

It Is Time To Say YES To Sexual Liberation and Freedom!


How We Will Do This:

  • We Will Be Working With and Releasing Any Family, Religious or Societal Blocks, Patterns or Beliefs That Stop You From Experiencing and Expressing Your Pleasure and Who You Are: A Divine Being Having A Human and Sexual Experience!

  • We Will Be Working With Tantric and Somatic Practices to Tap Into Your Own Inner Knowing and The Wisdom of Your Incredible Body. It Is There and We Will Uncover It!

  • We Will Be Identifying, Accepting, Loving and Integrating In Any Aspects, Persistent Thoughts or Emotions Needing Love and Attention!

  • You Will Be Giving Yourself Full Permission To Put Yourself, Your Pleasure and Your Body First with No Shame, Guilt, Second Thoughts, Judgments….!

  • You Will Be Touching, Exploring and Deepening In the Loving With All Parts of Your Sexy Self, Beginning with No Goal and No Agenda. Then You Will Be Experiencing Your First Mind-Altering Orgasm!

  • You Will Be Learning to Speak Your “Yes,” “Maybe” and “No’s” in a Connected and Deep Way That Is True For You and Your Body. Also, You Will Know What You Need to Take Your “Maybe,” to a “Yes,” Or Not!

  • You Will Be Placing Your Power At The Center Of Your Being! This is Path of Regaining Your Power Through Pleasure and Purification!

  • And So Much More!

    Claiming Your Power is Key!

    When you know how to give yourself an orgasm, your world opens up in fascinating and beautiful ways. You know how to make yourself happy! You know where and how you like to be touched! You know what kind of pressure you like: how slow, fast, soft or hard! And believe me, once that turn-on is established, there is no turning back. This turn-on will flourish, as your pleasure flourishes! When you can create on orgasm in your divine body, your power is yours and yours alone. This power of being a woman, a sister, a goddess, a wife, a Queen…at this incredible time on our planet is the gift you will be giving yourself when we work together.

    Are You In?


Remember, we are all in this together! Let’s do this!

Receive Your Free Gift Today!

A Blissful Orgasmic Guided Meditation

To receive Your Blissful Orgasmic Meditation, click below! You will go on a journey to connect to your incredible body, in a deep, loving and sensual way. You will begin to awaken sensations of pleasure, bliss, and joy in all parts of your radiant self!



“Although I have been doing personal growth/self-improvement work for nearly 40 years, I was amazed at how quickly Kathy was able to assist me in delving deeply to identify and remove blocks in my consciousness that have been holding me back. I felt totally safe working with Kathy, and through her support and guidance, I connected with a new level of self-awareness and self-love.”


“Just being in her presence is healing.”


“OMG! Kathy is the best. I have been so lucky to have Kathy as my coach. Every single week when we get together I move more and more into freedom. I will go into a session utterly exhausted or heavy from the week’s heavy work and leave there feeling like I’m reborn. The depth of Kathy’s compassion, the depth of her amazingness leaves me speechless. She has helped me move into more happiness and joy. I had been feeling bogged down with fear and insecurity as I have my own business. If you are a business owner, you cannot go wrong to have the support that Kathy offers. I went through a lot of trauma and continuous loops of stress for a long period of time - but Kathy has helped me to release so much of it helping me move back into my creativity and inspiration. I am deeply grateful. I am deeply humbled. I feel happier, my body is less achy and I’m taking up healthier habits again. Kathy, thank you for being by badass cheerleader.”


“I noticed that you really read and considered my goals. You tailored our work to my needs and even on our last day, you were able to shift to something different than what you had planned just to accommodate where I was at. …You provided a safe container to express and explore things like the primal self which is super vulnerable and uncomfortable. That being said, you went there! You helped to open my eyes to a part of living I did not think about. The primal self, and the comfortability within that place.”

-R. S.

“Kathy has so many wonderful qualities that make her easy and rewarding to work with. Whenever I meet with Kathy she is truly present, encouraging and supportive…. Kathy’s spirituality shines through giving a sense of peace and safety whenever we are together.”


“Kathy Angileri has opened my heart more than anyone before.”


“Kathy is extremely caring and supportive. Any time I have asked for guidance, she has taken the time to listen fully with an open mind and heart. … I feel safe and heard when I speak with her. I trust her unconditionally and am grateful for her love and support.”

-T. A.

“I felt empowered and connected and I am very happy with my investment in her services.”


“I enjoyed being able to feel safe with Kathy, so I could be as revealing as possible with my concerns. Because of this I could go to deep levels in my consciousness and discover new levels of self-healing and empowerment.”

-I. A.


What if the angels rejoiced every time a woman had an orgasm?
— Kathy Angileri